The Hermeneutics Quiz

Habe den Test von Scot McKnight gemacht, den Dosi verlinkt hat. Nicht überraschend habe ich das gleiche Ergebnis wie er – in Bezug auf meine Hermeneutik bin ich ein „moderate“ Scot schreibt dazu:

„The moderate hermeneutic might be seen as the voice of reason and open-mindedness. Moderates generally score between 53 to 65. Many are conservative on some issues and progressive on others. It intrigues that conservatives tend to be progressive on the same issues, while progressives tend to be conservative on the same issues. Nonetheless, moderates have a flexible hermeneutic that gives them the freedom to pick and choose on which issues they will be progressive or conservative. For that reason, moderates are more open to the charge of inconsistency. What impresses me most about moderates are the struggles they endure to render judgments on hermeneutical issues.“ [From The Hermeneutics Quiz |]

Mein Ergebnis war 63 – also eher am oberen Ende der Skala schon in Richtung von „progressive“ – was auch immer solche Tests wert sind, im großen und ganzen empfinde ich diesen Test als ganz ok und treffend…